Sakura by Loizos Loizou

Fresh and dried flowers for every occasion!


Fresh flowers


Happiness in a box


5 white peonies bouquet

  • Popular

Luxury fresh vintage roses bouquet in a wooden bamboo box


3 king protea bouquet


21 cappuccino rose bouquet


Trust the florist

  • Popular

Baskets with statice flowers (athanata)


Spring in a round basket

  • Popular

Spring in a tin with seasonal flowers (florist choice)


Spring in a rectangle bamboo box


Statice flowers (athanata) in a rectangle bamboo box.


Statice flowers (athanata) in a square bamboo box.


Statice flowers in a round bamboo pot


Spring in a white box with handle


Red and vintage roses in a rectangle bamboo box


Spring in a basket - Large Version


White stunning arrangement with roses and seasonal flowers


Shades of pink (Roses and seasonal flowers) in a wooden bamboo box


Pink - Love in a tin


Red - Love in a tin


Luxury Big stunning arrangement in a crafted box


Pink stunning arrangement with roses and seasonal flowers


Seasonal flowers in a bamboo box


Big Stunning flower arrangement with roses and seasonal flowers


Yellow roses and seasonal flowers in a wooden bamboo box


A unique Arrangement with lisianthus in a wide wooden bamboo box


Luxury vintage rose bouquet


Luxury rose bouquet


Roses in a glass vase


Rose - Bloom with confidence (The colour of rose depend on availability)

Fresh and dried flowers for every occasion!

See similar stores


47, Thesalonikis

3025 Limassol

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